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YouHub Association, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iași and West University from Timișoara invite you to YouTalks!

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What is YouTalks?
The YouHub Association Romania in partnership with the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iași as organizers and the Western University from Timișoara as a partner, organizes between May 24-26, 2021, the YOUTALKS National Conference – Child Protection after 30 years of democracy. The conference aims to constitute a framework for communicating the most relevant results of scientific research carried out by the participants, a space of ideas and dialogue, of innovative spirit and creativity in education, research and knowledge in the field of child protection.
We thus aim to generate a space for discussion and participation of children, young people, professionals from public and private services, together with representatives of national and county authorities, university teachers and researchers, doctoral students and representatives of non-governmental, national and international organizations, who to:
- address possible directions of action in support of young people who have left the child protection system;
- supports the participation of children and young people in the constant and structured dialogue with national and international institutions and organizations;
- mobilize the participation and commitment of all participants by signing a commitment document regarding the implementation of the identified solutions proposed by the participants.

The team
YouHub Association
Andreeas Novacovici – President & General Manager
Napoleon-Valentin Alexandru- Executive President & Operational Director
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iasi
Prof. Univ. Dr. Tudorel Toader – Rector
Prof. Univ. Dr. Daniela Cojocaru- Vice Chancellor
Assoc. Univ. Dr. Romeo Asiminei- Director of the Department of Sociology and Social Assistance
Drd. Marian Pislariu
West University of Timişoara
Prof. Univ. Dr. Mădălin Bunoiu- Vice Chancellor
Assoc. Univ. Dr. Theofild Lazăr – Vice Dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology